# README.txt (see READMORE.txt for more) # See LICENSE.txt for license note. # 2004-02-29 initial release, # 2004-03-10 minor changes, # 2004-04-20 minor changes. # 2004-05-21 major changes. # 2004-06-18 minor changes. # 2004-07-13 minor changes. # 2005-01-21 minor changes. # 2005-01-23 major changes in function. # L. Zhao Introduction Thanks for using JWebPresenter -- a very simple web-based presenting system. It is based only on bitmap image (any type supported by the JRE (Java Runtime Environment, see http://java.com/), namely PNG, JPEG, GIF are OK) to avoid compatibility problem such as text corruption, font etc. Roughly speaking, you can think JWebPresenter a distance slideshow tool. But it is designed to do presenting very efficiently, and can do even better with the help of the presenter (you?). The details are explained later. Notice that there is no tool provided (and there is no such a plan) to create the presentation image (= slide). Instead, you can use your favorite tool (e.g. PowerPoint, MagicPoint, Impress or others) to create the presentation, then export it into images (or try "screen shot" if your tool does not support image exporting). File list JWebPresenterSS.java : the Java program source LICENSE.txt : license note (GPLv2 in one word) MANIFEST : used to create package jwp.jar README.txt : this one! READMORE.txt : for more readings (with ChangeLog) doxygen.cfg : use doxygen doxygen.cfg to get docs index.html : sample HTML file for presenting jwp.jar : compiled classes package slideshow.pl : slide changing tool (perl script) slideshow.sh : slide changing tool (shell script) (slideshow.pl and slideshow.sh have the same function.) note: jwp.jar can be obtained by the following. (1) compile: java JWebPresenterSS.java (2) create: jar cvfm jwp.jar MANIFEST *.class How does it work Simple. A presenter puts the slides to a pre-defined URL. An audience then fetches the image by that URL. Presenter changes the URL (thus the slide) at his or her will, and audiences just fetch it. For more, see READMORE.txt. Requirement Audience: JRE (Java Runtime Environment) v1.4+ Presenter: an HTTP (or FTP if above JRE supports) server, Perl or shell utility. Howto (install and work) First of all, you need a BASE URL for presenting. Suppose it is "http://host/dir/", which locates at the server's directory "DIR" (e.g., "/var/www/html/myPresentation/"). For the presenter (be sure that the Web server works!). 1) Prepare your presentation, export it to images (currently PNG, JPEG and GIF are supported), one image for one slide. Name them slide-1-1.png, slide-1-2.png, ..., (mixed format is OK. Actually the extension is not important. The slideshow script will automatically choose the file of minimum size if there are several files with the same name except extension). 2) Copy your images and index.html, jwp.jar, slideshow.pl (or slideshow.sh) from the JWebPresenter package to DIR. 3) Modify the applet parameters in index.html to refer your URL. Set "slideURL" to "http://host/dir/slide-1.png"; set "ctlURL" to "http://host/dir/ctl-1.txt", "baseURL" to "http://host/dir/". Actually ctlURL has higher priority than slideURL. Other applet parameters are explained in the sample index.html. The presentation can be started by "perl slideshow.pl" at DIR (or "./slideshow.sh" if you are using a shell). For audiences. Use your browser (with a working Java 2 plugin!) or an appletviewer to access the specified URL. Or you can download the jwp.jar file, and run it from console by "java -jar jwp.jar [parameters]" (it shows usage if no parameter was provided). Use ESC key (may not work) or mouse triple-clicks to quit. 2004-04-19: a popup menu is added! You can do quite a lot of things with it, including quit. Try even though JVM is buggy! 2004-06-18: the only two non-trivial functions provided by the popup menu are "Reset URL" and "Fast Mode". "Reset URL" will reset the internal URLs to the original given parameters (i.e., provided in the HTML file containing the applet, or by command line). This is useful if the presenter has stopped an old presenting and started a new one (without "Reset URL", JWebPresenter will still try to fetch slides for old presenting). On the other hand, in "Fast Mode", JWebPresenter will fetch only the newest slide. This is useful for slow connections. 2005-01-21: presentation window can be resized or moved by choosing "Decorate Window" from the popup menu. Q&A 1. Why use the name "slide-1-1.png" instead of "slide-1.png"? A. slideshow.pl and slideshow.sh support multiple presentations at the same time (e.g., for multiple resolutions). Thus the image file name is chosen to be "slide-X-Y.png", where "X" denotes the source number, "Y" denotes the slide number. Note JWebPresenter uses Java, which is responsible for the first "J" in the project name. Non-Java client is also possible, but I like Java :-). I would be happy if one sends me other implementations, e.g., in C, or other utilities for this project. Have fun! L. Zhao 2005-01-23